Model Car/Truck Competition. In an effort to enable our young people to participate in the Mustang hobby, we will have a model car contest in which young people ages 15 and below are to purchase a model car kit (at a cost not to exceed $30), assemble the car and display it in their respective class.
-» The model should not exceed 9’ in length.
-» The model is to be plastic, metal or a LEGO kit of any of Mustang, Ford branded car or Ford branded truck.
-» The models can be assembled as they are from the kit, painted and/or have decals applied.
-» This will be a judged event.
-» The four (4) classes will be:
♦ Class A Ages 6 and under
♦ Class B Ages 7/8/9
♦ Class C Ages 10/11/12
♦ Class D Ages 13/14/15
Halderman Designer Class. This class for youth ages 12 thru 18 is named after Gale Halderman who was the Ford Designer whose concept design was selected for the original Mustang. The purpose of this class is to encourage youth to use their art skills to design cars or trucks plus certain designs for special marketing programs for a particular vehicle. Upon registration, guidelines will be emailed to the youth describing the design and specifications for the car or truck to be drawn. The youth will then enter their design concepts that respond to the assignment. Contact information will be provided with the email assignment to enable the youth to ask questions regarding the assignment should they have any questions.
NOTE: Class 18. A new class has been created for youth 12 to 15 to show a full-sized Ford product. Although there is no fee for the Youth Model Car Contest and the Halderman Designer Class, there is a fee of $25 for Class 18. Registration for Class 18 must be completed by April 20th, and no registration will be accepted after April 20th or on the day-of-show for Class 18. To register for Class 18, go to the MCO Website ( and look for "2025 Krieger Ford Mustang Car & Truck Show" (located in the black banner under the blue Mustang). Select the "Car Show Registration Item" button on the left side and follow the prompts to complete the registration to participate in Class 18.
-» Pre-registration required by April 20, 2025 for the Model Car/Truck Competition and the Halderman Designer Class – no day-of-show registration will be permitted. Register on the MCO website ( Under “Upcoming Events”, select “May 18, 2025 - 2025 Krieger Ford Youth Program Registration” and follow the registration prompts.
-» There is NO FEE for registration in the Youth Model Car Contest or the Halderman Designer Class.
Pedal Car Favorites. Pedal cars will be displayed in addition to the full-sized Mustangs, Ford cars and Ford trucks on display at the Krieger Show. The youth participating in the model car contest will select their three favorite pedal cars. The three pedal cars receiving the most votes will each receive a trophy at the awards ceremony.
Balloon Artist. A balloon artist will entertain the youth during the period of Noon to 3PM. She will fashion sculptures of cartoon characters, animals and many other designs which she will give to the kids.
The Mustang Story Coloring Book. The coloring book was developed by Spokane, Washington artist Tessa Conrad for the Mustang Club of Ohio and is copyrighted by MCO. The coloring book presents the story of the development and design of the Mustang and includes pictures on each page of the story which can be colored. A copy will be given to future Mustang enthusiasts (15 and younger) along with a box of crayons. Copies will be for sale to anyone 16 and older at $10 each.
Tow Mater. The future Mustang enthusiasts will be permitted to sit in Tow Mater and have their picture taken by their parents. Afterwards, Tow Mater will give the future Mustang enthusiasts a Mater bag with goodies.
Face Painting. An artist will paint designs on the faces of the youth attending the Youth Program event.
Mustang Cookie. The youth attending the Youth Program will be given a packaged Mustang cookie which they can eat at the show or take home to eat.
Mustang Experience. A new activity for 2025 in which club members will have their Mustang on display for the youth ages 10 to 18 to see. The owner will tell the youth about their Mustang and give them the opportunity to experience their Mustang up close.