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Home2025 MCO Fall Show "Speak for the Unspoken"
REGISTRATION: Pre-registration through September 14th, 2025 is $20. Registration September 15th and after, as well as at the show, will also be $20.

Go to the MCO Website ( to register.

Day of show registration will be during the period of 8:00AM to 11:00AM.
Registration will close at 11:00am SHARP. 
Cars in line prior to 11:00AM will be judged. Cars arriving after 11:00 will be registered as “Display Only” and will not be judged – even if they are pre-registered.

AWARDS: The Awards Ceremony will be held at approximately 2:30PM.
** Award recipients must be present to win. 
Awards will not be mailed to recipients who are not present at the Awards Ceremony.

** We have had close encounters of vehicles (leaving the show) with people at the Awards Ceremony.
Out of concern for the safety of the people during the awards ceremony, no vehicles will be allowed to leave during the awards ceremony.

No tents, alcohol or firearms will be permitted at the show.

The Mustang Club of Ohio and Willis/Spangler/Starling; Equity / ECS are not responsible for accidents or property damage.